Are you starting a business?
Do you need a town planning permit from council for your business?
Do you need a building permit to start your business?
If you are starting a new business or if you want to change the existing business you may need a Town Planning Permit from Council or a Building Permit for the new use or for construction. Obtaining permits from council can be frustrating and time consuming.
Contact us to find out if you need a permit rather than relying on what council tell you over the phone. We can help make sure you get all of the permits you need so that you can start running your business without delays. Every business is different and requires different permits, you may need one for your advertising signs or to have seating on the pavement or if you buy a business that was a Café and you are changing the use to a Bakery you will need a Change of Use permit.
Running a business without a permit can result in fines from Council or having your business shut down. We can research the building and your business for you to make sure you get all of the correct permits and find out how much it will cost and how long it will take so that you can open your business quickly and avoid the frustrating process of getting the wrong information from council.
Whether you are starting up a new business or running an existing business it is important to find out what council regulations apply to your business. Let us help you get this right from the start call us today for a free appraisal of your business needs.